Ravenous (2017) aka Les Affames Review

Ravenous (2017) aka Les Affames

Director: Robin Aubert
Starting: Marc-Andre Grondin, Monica Chokri, Charlotte St. Martin

Available only on Netflix

Brian’s Rating: 9/10

Les Affames or Ravenous

Les Affames, aka Ravenous 2017

This French-Canadian movie (with English subtitles) has absolutely nothing to do with the earlier movie by the same name. While the original Ravenous involved cannibalism in the old west, this one is a more typical zombie apocalypse film.

The film starts out showing several different groups of survivors wandering through the the countryside of what we would presume is Canada. There are individual zombies and groups of zombies running around very quickly, in 28-Days-Later style. When these zombies spot you, they howl in a similar manner to the creatures from The Invasion of The Body Snatchers, and attract the nearby horde.

Once bitten, it takes several days to become infected and turn. This fact leads to a great deal of suspicion between some of the characters and groups. Also making this movie a little unique is the fact that the zombies seem to have some kind of group-mind driving them towards a specific purpose. We don’t know what that purpose is exactly, but there is definitely more to the story than your typical zombies.

The zombies individually are not special or unique, but the make-up and effects are very good. That said, this is mostly a character-driven story about the handful of survivors that we meet. Will they survive? Who will live and who will die?

Although this movie is slow at times, overall, I liked it a lot. It’s worth checking out just for the interesting character interactions in the unique world that it builds. If you’re a fan of zombies, this has just enough different in it that it’s a must see.