- Directed by Teal Greyhavens
- Written by Nikolai von Keller
- Stars Maya Bowman, Laura Wernette, Caesar James
- Run Time: 7:08
- Watch it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KkO6ppcvFro
What Happens
It’s Emily’s birthday, and her extended family makes a huge deal out of it. “We’re all so proud of you,” says her dad. Everyone in their family has either been successful or gone insane. He attributes their success to a special gift that she’s finally old enough to share in.
She was born at 9:03 p.m., and at that same time tonight, she hears “it” outside. There’s a man outside that now she can see. “It’s not a man; just think of it as a new friend.”
I don’t see why the family couldn’t have let Emily in on the secret ahead of time. Sure, wouldn’t have been able to see the man until now, but she’d have been way less freaked out, maybe even eager, if she’s known what to expect.
Once we heard the rules of the Sentinel, it was pretty obvious where this was heading. It’s short, it’s simple, and it’s really well done. There’s not much more to this story that we could logically ask for, but I’d still like to see more!