- Directed by Paul Vo Le
- Written by Paul Vo Le, Joshua Rodriguez
- Stars Tyler Webster, Bo Roche, Jill Anderson, Drew Patterson
- Run Time: 16:21
- Watch it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P8z-VaQrhWg
What Happens:
The police have taken a young man into custody, and as the story progresses, we learn what he’s done and why. Terence recounts his day and what led to him murdering his well-known and respected parents. Maybe there was more going on here than the results would imply…
The scariest part of all this is Dad’s milk mustache. People with alliterative names are evil so that much is true.
We know from the beginning what Terence did, but not why or how. As we get into the details of his family life, it all becomes clear. As the story unfolds, it’s all very interesting and looks good!