2024 Short Film: Hide Your Crazy

What Happens

Iris rushes into her house to find that she’s not alone. It’s a surprise birthday party set up by her boyfriend, Dan. She is surprised, for sure, but not exactly happy about it as he explains everything. He’s also cleaned her kitchen, which upsets her tremendously. She insists that he leave, but he demands to stay and talk it out. He soon finds that she’s more than just a little uptight. 


“I’m not uptight, all right!?!?!” 

The moral of the story is to never throw out someone else’s goat intestines and pig’s blood!

It’s very well-acted and nicely shot. We know because of the type of film that it that something nasty is gonna happen, but it all starts out normal enough, cute even. Then it gets really weird, really fast. The special effects are really well done and look great as well. This is just… cute.