- Directed by Gregory Hatanaka
- Written by Geno McGahee
- Stars Jason Tower, Nicole D’Angelo, Chris Spinelli
- Run Time: 1 Hour, 9 Minutes
- Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LMvfdylgZlA

Spoiler-Free Judgement Zone
It’s a low-budget zombie cop movie. If that’s your thing, it’s as good as any other zombie cop movie, and it does have a couple of good laughs.
A man gets pulled over by a police car. He rolls down the window, the officer approaches, and the demon-zombie-looking kills him. Credits roll.
Officer Miller gets called into the boss’s office to explain some problems from Miller’s bust Friday night – it seems the suspect was roughed up a little excessively. We soon learn that Miller’s not the greatest cop. Val, his partner, corroborates the story and then calls Miller an asshole. It’s New Year’s Eve, and they’ll all be going to the party tonight.
The demon cop does bad things to a homeless guy and is seen by another homeless man.
A new cop, Lewis, is assigned to the station, and she’s partnered with Cooper. The governor has limited parties to under ten people, so the Captain wonders what to do about the party tonight.
Miller and Val get briefed on the dead homeless guy who was butchered by someone “superhuman strong.”
Lewis and Cooper arrest the second homeless man, who is ranting and raving about the demon. Val recognizes him and asks what’s up. He tells them about the “Devil Cop.” The captain overhears this and looks like he knows something that upsets him.
Twenty years earlier, a bunch of Satanists sacrifice Officer Wilson on the pentagram. They torture him into submission. His partner, Officer Benson comes in and shoots some of the Satanists. Wilson gets up as a demon, and Benson fails to kill him. Wilson says, “I’ll return!” We flash forward to now-Captain Benson remembering all this.
Miller tells Cooper that something’s wrong with the captain. Homeless Gus sobers up, but his story doesn’t change. “I think he’s coming here!”
It’s time for the big party! Demon Officer Wilson kills a cop out in the hallway. Wilson trashes the Captain’s desk and finds a newspaper clipping about himself from back in the day.
Lewis staggers off to the restroom, but Wilson kills her instead. Cooper finds her body and alerts the others. Gus tells Tom that he plans to get his life back together tomorrow but dies immediately after. Wilson then infects Tom, turning him into a thing like himself.
Captain Benson tells Miller, Cooper, and Val the whole story about what happened to Wilson. They all call the captain a coward, both back then and now as well. He agrees with them.
The captain confronts Wilson. Wilson wants him to feel the pain that he felt, so he pours gasoline all over the captain. Before he can light him up, the captain shoots a rocket launcher point blank at Wilson. The scene cuts to firework explosions outside, giving a picture of what transpired in that room just now.
Miller, Cooper, and Val wait outside and get chewed out by the boss’s boss who doesn’t believe any of this nonsense they’ve told her about what happened. She storms off inside to look for herself – and finds Wilson, still being an evil demon.
It’s low-budget, but the cinematography is good. The acting is fine, the basic story is fine, and the production values are good considering the budget. Several scenes are dragged out a bit too long, which makes the whole thing drag a little. The slow pace makes the first half of this short film really feel long.
Detective Miller is a stereotype, a harassment lawsuit waiting to happen, and a general ass, but he is fun to watch. Zombie-Demon-Wilson looks good in his closeups, it’s a decent makeup job. It works pretty well.
I wonder how many people watch these films just because they have the word “Amityville” in the title? Because that’s all it is; they didn’t even mention the word Amityville in the film. It’s almost like they made the film and then figured out that two other films were named “Zombie Cop.” They had to think of something else at the last minute.
Although it does start slow with annoying characters, by the time we get to the end, most of them become more likable. Overall it’s well done, albeit a little poorly paced.