As you may have already noticed from the name above, we’ve made a few changes.

Our Magazine
We’ve dropped “Bulletin” and are now just “Horror Monthly.” This is in tune with our new Internet domain, We’ve still got the same writers, editors, reviewers, and basic style; it’s just a name change. We’re just changing the mix of what goes into it.
Our Newsletter is no more.
Long live!
Any old links to the “bulletin” site should still work, so don’t worry about losing your favorite issues. From this point forward, however, we’ll be referring to Horror Weekly, our once-a-week email newsletter.
This free weekly email contains all our full-length and short-film reviews and commentary.
As always, the newsletter is completely free every week. After an issue has been out for four weeks, however, it falls into the “Archive” status, which requires a paid subscription to access. Again, you only pay for “old” issues; the newest weekly issues and those of the past few weeks are still free. This isn’t anything new, but it seems like a good time to point it out and explain it.
The newsletter also includes a convenient built-in option to listen to our podcast. The podcast is also free (ALL the episodes) at
Horror Guys Podcast
Currently, at, each week, Kevin and Brian read and comment on the same material that hits the Horror Weekly newsletter. Nothing is changing here. The podcast is included in our newsletter each week, but it can also be found on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, and YouTube, among many other podcast listings.
This is probably where the biggest change is going to be. We won’t be posting four full-length movies and a short in the future. The site is now focusing more on indie films (as they are made available to us) and short films. The full-length film reviews and synopses are going straight to the newsletter. Everyone seems to love the short films, so we’re beefing those up in a big way!
The simplest, easiest way to get ALL our content is either by subscribing to the newsletter or picking up this magazine in print or ebook each month. You won’t miss anything!
TLDR? is now for short and indie films. = All those same shorts plus five full-length films, a mix of old and new releases. Same as before, only BIGGER. = Everything in HorrorWeekly, just compiled in print and eBook form each month.