- Director: Terry Spears
- Writer: Chloë Bellande
- Stars: Shiah Luna, Rane Thomason, Victoria Strange
- Run Time: 1 Hour, 23 Minutes

A couple park their truck as the woman gets out to burn some papers. She comes back to the truck and Jason has vanished. The woman screams as something breaks in after her. Credits roll.
Several friends are having a weekend getaway at one girl’s father’s place in the middle of an Indian Reservation. Matt, Alex, and their band will be dropping by on their way to somewhere. It doesn’t take long before the tequila and hot sauce come out, and we learn that these are the most awkwardly boring people ever. Matt explains the rules to some kind of really stupid werewolf party game, and he explains it so slowly that, well, I forgot what he was talking about before the game was over.
The next morning, everyone has a hangover. Matt has disappeared. Suddenly, Nick remembers they left Julia at the beer store, so they drive back in the dark (it was morning in the previous scene). They find Julia’s phone in the store’s parking lot. Liz hears something growling in the woods. The monster gets her before the two guys in the parking lot behind her come lookig for her. Alex finds cards form the werewolf card game they were playing in the parking lot.
Meanwhile, back at the house, the power goes off (it’s still night). Tala goes downstairs to get the breaker, but she hears the thing in the basement growling. Tala and Sarah bond as sisters after many years. They figure out that the werwolf is killing people in the same sequence as happened in their card game. If that’s true, then Sarah is next.
Out in the woods, Matt wanders around lost, and the camera lingers on the “Beware of Bear Traps” sign three or four times. Nick and Alex wander around the roads as their car starts to run out of gas. They pick up Midnight, an old local man. Alex keeps getting visions of Nick with a werewolf head. They go to the police station, and Nick gets arrested for being an asshole.
Connie finds Matt out in the woods under the bear trap sign. Matt finally steps in a bear trap (surprise!), and Connie can’t get it open. Jason gets a hunting rifle while Tala and Sarah somehow get lost in a cage-maze under the house. Connie, who couldn’t get the bear trap open to free Matt, returns to to the bear trap empty-handed and finds that she still can’t get him free, possibly because she brought no help and no tools.
Alex and Sarah drive off in the car, and Jason pursues them. Alex, who suddenly has the gun, shoots Connie and runs Jason off the road.
So, the sun comes up. Alex picks up Nick at the jail, and they bury the card game in the dirt.
This film has the worst script and dialog I’ve heard in a film, possibly all year. There were so many boring and unnecessary lines that almost every scene feels boring and drawn out.
“How can we make this film longer? Let’s play card games!” Said no good director ever. Not only that, but the gameplay is intertwined heavily with the plot, but the gameplay is only revealed as the film progresses- it might have made more sense if we’d seen the whole game when they played it. Or knew how the game was played. Or if this was a real game that anyone on Earth had ever actually seen before.
I’m also not quite sure how they all managed to find time to have serious hangovers on what appears to be the same evening as the partying.
We never really see the werewolf. We never find out who the werewolf was. There’s no gore or monster effects. I’m sure we simply lost track of one or two characters at some point because they were so forgettable. Sometimes I write these reviews to be entertaining and funny when the movie is bad, but this was just a jumbled mess of terribleness, and I mean that in the harshest way. It’s hard to be funny when a film is this bad.