Director: Gregory Plotkin
Writers: Seth M. Sherwood, Blair Butler
Stars: Cynthea Mercado, Stephen Conroy, Amy Forsyth

What would it be like to go to a “haunted” theme park where someone was really trying to kill you?
Some girls go to visit a haunted house attraction. One girl splits off from the others and meets a serial killer dressed in a costume. He stabs her and drags her body off.
Credits Roll.
Six twenty-somethings go to a Halloween-themed theme park. The characters are typical for this kind of movie: young, attractive, and completely expendable. There’s lots of people in monster suits and haunted house attractions.
One of the girls watches as a guy stabs a girl in one attraction. It looks very real, and she’s suspicious. Then the “killer” starts to follow her around the park. They all decide to go to “Deadlands,” the scariest part of the park “where they can actually touch you!”
You might find this surprising, but the characters start getting killed off one by one.
A lot of the attractions look like real amusement park characters. If you’ve been to many of these kinds of places, you’ll recognize a lot of the gimmicks and tricks. I suspect most of this was filmed on location at a real park, which probably made this a fairly cheap movie to produce.
Horror icon Tony Todd’s voice work can be heard coming through the park’s loudspeakers at various points, but he only appears onscreen in one scene, as a carnival barker running a guillotine act.
I like how they take the completely-fake Halloween haunt attractions and make it genuinely creepy. The soundtrack is decent, and it has good pacing. Overall, the plot is extremely predictable, the characters are the usual stereotypes, and everything goes pretty much as expected. It’s completely by-the-numbers, but if you like haunt-events, you’ll enjoy watching this.
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