Hellraiser: Judgment (2018)

Hellraiser: Judgment (Amazon Link)

Director    Gary J. Tunnicliffe
Starring    Damon Carney, Randy Wayne

Brian’s Rating 2/5

Listen to the full review in Horror Bulletin Podcast #5


This is the tenth film in the series, not particularly continuing any specific plot line– it’s a story unto itself. This one expands the mythology of the series quite a bit introducing “The Auditor” (played by Gary Tunnicliffe, who also directed), as well as “The Assessor,” “The Surgeon,” and the potentially most important new character of Jophiel, who I won’t explain here.

The story centers around three detectives on the trail of a serial killer who displays his victims with a somewhat “Biblical” theme. Along the way, one of them comes into contact with the cenobytes, and all Hell breaks loose (as usual).

This is the second movie in the series not to star Doug Bradley. This one has Paul T. Taylor in the role, and he’s way better than the actor in Hellraiser: Revelations. The new character of the Auditor is also fun. Picture Pinhead’s Nazi Accountant.

Anyway, one thing leads to another, and a lot of people suffer in pain. So, hey, that’s what this series is all about right?

I’d rate this after episodes 1-4, with this one coming in as a solid #5. Way better than the preceding four movies.