Director: Jen McGowan
Writers: Julie Lipson, Stu Pollard
Stars: Hermione Corfield, Jay Paulson, Sean O’Bryan
Run Time: 1 Hour, 48 Minutes

Sawyer gets a call to set up an interview in Washington DC next week. She plans out her route and gets packed up for her trip. There’s traffic, and her GPS suggests an alternate route. She stops at a dead end. “That’s not even a road!” She complains as she turns around. The GPS keeps saying, “Make a U turn if possible.” Credits roll.
“Think they seen us?” Says the man burying a dead body near where Sawyer stops to turn around. Sawyer stops to consult her map when a pickup truck stops to help. The two guys inside are the ones who were burying the body. They invite her home with them for dinner, and she gets creeped out. She fights them off pretty well, but gets stabbed in the leg before running across the field and into the woods. Night falls.
The next morning, the sheriff finds Sawyer’s car and runs the registration. The sheriff stops by Hollister’s house, and he says he didn’t see anything. He sees that Buck and Hollister are both injured, which is suspicious.
Sawyer’s leg is cut pretty badly, and she has to do some first aid on it before she can walk. She limps along before stopping for a break; that’s when the two guys drop her car off a cliff right in front of her. She hears that they plan to kill her when they find her. She also manages to find her cell phone in the wreckage, but there isn’t any service. She tries to make a voice recording explaining what happened to her— and then her battery dies; it’s been a rough day. She passes out as a strange figure approaches…
She wakes up in bed. She gets up and finds a man there, but she passes out before anything happens. When she wakes up, she finds out that he’s a meth cooker in a mobile home, and his name is Lowell. She tells him her story. He explains the finer points of cooking meth, including telling her which chemicals are the most dangerous.
Meanwhile, Sheriff O’Doyle is clearly in on it with Hollister and Buck. The deputy overhears the sheriff on the phone, and that goes badly for the deputy. The State Police get involved on Sawyer’s missing person case, and he’ll look into the deputy as well. Hey look at that— Sawyer’s ID is in the deputy’s locker!
Sawyer and Lowell bond over their meth-cooking. Hollister comes to pick up some meth, and he notices Sawyer’s footprints. They barge into the house and catch Lowell and Sawyer. Sawyer uses her chemical knowledge to turn the tables very quickly. Sawyer gets away, but there’s still the sheriff to deal with.
Sawyer makes it to the road and is immediately picked up by the sheriff, who she hasn’t seen before. He walks her out into the woods, planning to execute her…
It’s slow moving, but it’s very suspenseful. I find it hard to believe that Lowell wouldn’t have told Sawyer to watch out for the sheriff because he was in on it.
Still, it moves quickly, it all looks good, and it all makes sense. No one does anything particularly stupid, and it’s all pretty much believable. I was entertained.