Short Film: Alice Jacobs Is Dead (2009) Review


We open on the wreckage of the Golden Gate Bridge; it’s been destroyed, so obviously this is some kind of future dystopia.

We see an interview show, where they interview Dr. Jacobs, famous for creating the cure for the Z-Virus. They can keep it from spreading, but they can’t cure the people who already have it. The reporter mentions that Jacobs lost his wife Alice during “The Great Scare.”

Jacobs goes home after the interview and talks to his wife, Alice, who is obviously not dead. She asks him how his work is going, “How much time do we have?”

He goes back to work, and we see Alice go through her morning. She pukes in the toilet and then injects something into her arm. When Jacobs gets home, Alice is tired and doesn’t want to eat.

She continues to deteriorate, but he continues to go to work every day. He keeps hearing about how he cured the plague two years ago, but he’s working very hard to solve the current problem.

George, Jacob’s lab partner, mentions a test that came back that showed someone positive who lived over a year, “Do you think someone could be keeping it as a pet somewhere?” Jacobs gets evasive at this point.

What’s going on here? George has a theory…


This was made in 2009, but only hit YouTube this month, so it’s “sort of new.”

It’s fantastic. You can totally see where everyone is coming from, and everyone’s reactions are totally in character. It’s a blend of a zombie apocalypse and normal aging drama, which would be familiar to any Alzheimer’s family. It works out a little worse in the end than what most families deal with, but that’s the way it goes when you keep a zombie in your bedroom…