Short film: Making Friends (2021)

  • Directed by Chris Vincze
  • Written by Mark Davison, Pat Schulenburg, David Shute, Joel Veitch, Chris Vincze
  • Stars Mark Davison, Lucy Roslyn, Rick Warden, Lucy Barker
  • Run Time: 9:49
  • Link:


Moe, a lonely man, makes little artificial animals as a hobby. He waves to Caroline and lets her in. Caroline actually has a little crush on Moe, but when she goes over to ask him to come over for tea, he goes on and on about being invited to his high-school reunion.

Moe goes to the reunion, where he sees Emma, the girl he used to have a crush on back then. She doesn’t remember him. She now married to Darren, one of his old bullies. Moe switches bags with Darren, and Darren comes over the next day to trade back.

Can Moe turn Darren into a new friend? Darren calls him a creepy freak and then chokes on a biscuit. Now they can be friends! But… what about Caroline?


It starts out a little sad and pathetic, but spirals down into just plain weird very quickly. Still, some people are weird, and just maybe Moe can still find soul mate. He just needs someone as weird as he is.