Short Film: Overtime (2023)


Ralph works at the office, but his boss, Simon, brings him a big box of stuff to do right before quitting time. He works way into the night and finally finishes. On the way out, Simon is waiting for him. “I know your big secret, Ralph,” he warns. Ralph gives him a severe look, but it seems Simon is only messing with him. 

Ralph’s phone warns him that tonight is a full moon, but he is very aware. Megan gets into the elevator with Ralph on the way down, and he sniffs her. 

We know where it’s going, right?


After a day like that, why not just… go for it?

It’s really well done. The office scenes look real, the gore bits are nicely done, and it’s actually really funny how one thing after another keeps coming up. There’s a tiny bit after the credits as well, so don’t miss that. 
