Short Film: Prey (2020) Review

Written and Directed: Bill Whirity

Starring: Jacob Zachar, Jessica Cook, James Sieczka, Monte Lamonte, Kim House

Run Time: 4:57


Short Film: Prey (2020) Review
Short Film: Prey (2020) Review


A young couple leaves the movie theater, and they weren’t paying too much attention to the film. They head into the parking garage, and they notice they’re being followed by a strange truck. Soon they are being chased by the truck, and they have to hide.

Finally, they safely get into their car. On the other hand, that may not be as safe as they thought.


If you’re being chased by a guy in a truck in a parking garage, you just go stand between other cars. There are hundreds of safe places to stand or even hide if necessary.

That said, the film is really well made. The acting, sets, and lighting is good. I mention that good lighting is important here because most of the action takes place in a dark garage, but at least you can see everything.

The story is fairly predictable, but again, it’s all very well done and I was entertained. It’s only four minutes, but it’s a strong four minutes.