Short Film: Stuck (2023)

  • Directed by Arturo David Roncone
  • Written by Arturo David Roncone
  • Stars Ianua Coeli Linhart, Emanuele Di Simone
  • Run Time: 8:37


Sophia is moving into her cool new place. Adele texts her and asks to be picked up, but the bus should be there any minute. Sophia responds that she’s stuck in the house for now. They both have doubts about the creepy old house, but it’s the best they can afford.

As she waits, Sophia finds a very large locked trunk. The only thing is it’s got a great big chain sealing it shut. Naturally, she looks for a way to open it…


Sophia makes every mistake possible— has she never seen a horror movie before?

This has excellent lighting and music. The creature effects are way beyond most short films, and would look right at home in a feature film.