Short Film: The Sky (2020) Review

Directed by: Matt Sears
Written by: Ryan Grundy
Starring: Chloe Fox, Charlotte Christof
Run Time: 11:13


Two girls are out in a field looking at the sky. They play “Never have I ever…” One of them eventually pulls out mushrooms. “I can’t believe it’s actually happening. Never have I ever… been so scared.” They eat the shrooms, which taste nasty.

Elle’s mother calls, and she apologizes for ruining Elle’s life. She wants to go find her mother, but the other girls talks her out of it; it’s simply too late.

Then the mushrooms start to take effect. Is it just the mushrooms, or is the world ending in front of us? Is everything what we think it is?


The effects here are really good. The scenery, the concept, and the execution are really good.

I think the introduction of the drugs was only used to blur out what they feared to be bad special effects, but it totally wasn’t necessary as everything looked really well done and realistic. I liked it!