Short: Nail (2019) Review

Short: Nail (2019) Review
Short: Nail (2019) Review


We start by watching a man drive a nail into the wall. He hangs a poster there. He’s recently divorced and is moving into his new single-man’s apartment.

As he drives in another nail, he hears someone on the other side of the wall pounding back. He then plays his electric guitar, resulting in more pounding. He soons starts to enjoy aggravating his neighbor.

He hears screaming coming from the other apartment that night, so he calls 911. The police don’t do anything, so he assumes it was really nothing.

The next morning, he goes over to meet the neighbor, and it’s an older lady in a very nice apartment. She shows him to the room from where he has been hearing the noises. The sounds seem to be coming from inside the wall, as the screams can be heard on the woman’s side as well.

How can he solve the problem?


This may be the least-realistic film I’ve seen this week: Who allows nails in the wall of an apartment? Of course, after seeing this story, maybe there’s a reason you aren’t allowed to hang things on the apartment wall.

It’s a neat idea that I haven’t seen done before, and the acting and effects are very good.