Altered (2006) Review

A blast from the not-too-distant past that I was thinking about today is a movie called Altered from 2006.

It has one of my favorite blends, horror and science fiction. The movie takes place one tension-filled night 15 years after a few group of men were abducted by aliens. One never came back. The others were left permanently changed by the experience. Plus it turns out that Michael C. Williams didn’t really die in the events of the Blair Witch Project. He returns as an actor here, playing one of the friends reunited in fear and revenge. It’s got gore, suspense, tension, decent acting, a story, characters you root for, and cool practical effects. Boy, I just realized how hard it is to talk about a movie to praise it up without giving spoilers. This is one you want to go into blind for sure. Though I’ve watched it again and enjoyed it just as much if not more the second time around. Pick it up from Amazon by clicking here, or wherever fine movies are sold.