- Directed by Jaume Balaguero, Paco Plaza
- Written by Jaume Balaguero, Manu Diaz, Paco Plaza
- Stars Jonathan D. Mellor, Manuela Velasco, Oscar Zafra
- Run Time: 1 Hour, 25 Minutes
- Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GGKNxtZLXIE
Spoiler-Free Judgment Zone
This one picks up right after the first movie ends, with more people going into the building to find out what happened. There’s an expert and more police on the case, but of course the possessed are still a problem. We learn a little bit more about what’s caused all this. It’s on par with the first movie in every way. We thought it was very good.
Spoilery Synopsis
We watch a SWAT team preparing to enter the apartment building from the first film. Larra, Rosso, Martos, and the Chief suit up in the back of the truck and make jokes. They’re told it’s some kind of contagious infection, but not more than that. When they arrive at the plastic-sealed apartment, there’s a huge crowd gathered outside. They introduce the men to Dr. Owen, who wants to go inside and investigate. They are told there are at least two dead inside. Credits roll.
The men get inside and find blood all over the entryway. Dr. Owen immediately takes his mask off and says it’s not airborne, the disease comes through blood and saliva. The gas masks were just for show to keep things quiet outside.
The heavily armed men climb the stairs up to the top and use the battering ram on the last door. This is the weird lab from the earlier film and he plays the tape. They also find a trap door going to the attic, but there’s nothing up there. They hear noises, music, and screams from below; the men check it out against Owen’s orders. Martos is attacked by a zombie woman, and everyone freaks out. When they come in, Martos attacks them– he turns very quickly. Owen holds him at bay with a Latin prayer, which isn’t particularly medical. He then traps him in a room by hanging a rosary on the door.
The rest of the men want to leave; this is not how a virus works. The chief wants answers, but Owen explains that it’s a demonic virus, and the church agrees. But it’s also a virus. The church was experimenting, and this place was considered “discrete.” Owen reveals that he’s really a priest, not from the Department of Health at all. “This is a secret operation.” The building is filled with possessed people, “Demons.” Chief is not pleased.
Owen explains that they need to find the source of the virus; the original girl the old doctor was experimenting upon. Once they have her blood sample, they can leave. Then they spot a child crawling around on the ceiling, and the chief orders, “Relax everyone; take it easy.” The child returns, and Owen shoots it in the head.
Larra goes into the ductwork to find the original girl, but finds a whole slew of infected children. They get some blood from the dead child, and Owen experiments on it; it reacts badly to his cross and is ruined.
The group then spots some teenagers with a camera on a lower floor and goes to investigate that. Before they find them, they’re attacked by a large group of zombies and they are forced to hide in one of the apartments. Larra gets separated from the group, and he has a rough time of it. He eventually goes insane and shoots himself.
The chief wants to leave, but Owen refuses to open the voice-locked door. They still need to find the Madeiros girl for a blood sample. They find another little girl, and she’s gone “full Exorcist,” calling them names and it’s clear that the main demon speaks through this one. She’s hard to hold, and they end up shooting her too.
We cut to three teens playing with a sex doll. They tape some fireworks to its back to make “her” fly like a jetpack; it doesn’t work. Suddenly, they notice helicopters and police all over the building, and they run off. They see the nearby building covered in plastic with SWAT all over the place. They watch Owen and the others go inside.
Tito, Ori, and Mire think this is all really cool, and sneak into the building through a sewer pipe. They find a gun laying on the floor; that’s unexpected. They hear shooting and run into a fireman and civilian inside. The exit through the sewer has been welded shut, so they can’t get out the way they came in. They’re soon attacked, and Tito sticks one of his rockets inside the zombie’s mouth.
The fireman gets too close to the window and gets wounded by a sniper. The civilian man gets bitten. Everyone runs, and then they hear shooting from above. They see the SWAT team a few floors above them and hide in one of the apartments. They find Martos’s helmet, and turn on the helmet camera. They find the door with the rosary and open it. He attacks, Mire picks up the gun and shoots– the fireman. She also shoots Martos, but then the SWAT guys come in.
Owen wanted to use Martos to talk to the main demon, but he’s dead. Tito, however, has been bitten, so maybe he’ll do. He turns very quickly, and they lock him in the room where they had Martos.
As they all fight with him, Angela, from the previous film, walks in, still holding her video camera. She’s in shock, but doesn’t seem possessed. She tells Owen what she knows, but they already know most of that.
Owen interrogates Tito, and the demon speaks. Owen figures out that the Madeiros girl, the original victim, may be invisible to normal eyes; that’s how Angela was able to see her through the night-vision camera.
They all march back up to the penthouse, this time, only using night vision. They can see a door that wasn’t there before. They soon find the monstrous girl, and something kills the chief. Owen, Angela, and Rosso the cameraman look for the creature in the dark. Owen’s radio goes off, and it attacks him; Angela blows its head off.
Angela has had enough and kicks the crap out of Owen; she demands that he give the order to open the door– at gunpoint. When Rosso says she can’t shoot Owen, she shoots Rosso. Owen figures out that the demon is inside Angela, and has been since they met her. She kills Owen and uses the radio, in his voice, to order the men outside to open the doors for one survivor, a woman.
We get a flashback to what happened immediately after the first film ended. The parasite demon, or whatever it was, moved from the monster into her.
Brian’s Commentary
It begins right at the end of the first film, so it’s clearly a direct sequel. We didn’t see Angela die at the end of the first film, we just assumed. I like that we get the first half of the story from two different groups’ points of view. The number of characters is small, so we can always tell who’s who after the initial crew gets narrowed down a bit.
It’s all very tense, and almost as good as the original.
Kevin’s Commentary
It was cool how it picked right up from the end of the previous movie and continued smoothly onward. It was as good as the first one in every way, and I really enjoyed it.
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