- Directed by Jaume Balaguero
- Written by Jaume Balaguero, Manu Diaz
- Stars Manuele Velasco, Paco Manzanedo, Hector Colome
- Run Time: 1 Hour, 35 Minutes
- Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=c3fP94YffCI
Spoiler-Free Judgment Zone
This was a direct sequel to the second movie and even brings in a little bit from the third prequel movie, so the series is tightened up a bit. They move out of the building in the first two movies and all the events take place on a ship in the middle of the ocean, still giving the element of isolation and being trapped. It loses some of the found footage element and switches to more of an action horror film. It’s quite good, a little step down from the first two movies.
Spoilery Synopsis
We hear a news reporter talking about an entire building being closed off due to a mysterious virus as credits roll. There may only be one survivor, a reporter who went in as the outbreak started.
Guzman and Lucas move through the building planting devices as they go upstairs. They only have four minutes to evacuate, but they run into an infected fireman who slows them down. Two of their own men get bitten, and they shoot them. They hear someone upstairs, and it’s Angela. They don’t have much time and lead her outside to safety. Yes, this continues after the second film of the series as Angela, possessed by the demon, gets out.
We cut to Angela in the hospital not long after, and she’s strapped to a table. Dr. Ricarte asks if she remembers anything, and she says she doesn’t. We see that she’s on a ship. Guzman is here as well. There’s an old woman there, and she has no idea where she is. Angela breaks out of the infirmary, and the doctor authorizes the men to shoot if necessary. She runs into Guzman, and they both make it up to the deck but then the doctor comes up and says it’s OK, her tests are all clear.
Ricarte explains to Guzman that they are here to investigate the infection, and the boat is the best way to provide isolation. He says there was another outbreak at a wedding near Barcelona (the third film) but they’ve contained that one.
Guzman talks to Captain Ortega, who runs the boat. Goro is the pilot who runs the bridge. The power blinks on and off; the boat is old. The power has been acting funny since the passengers came on board. There’s no communications either; the bosses shut all that down. Nick, the IT man, explains about the video camera they found.
Guzman reconnects with Lucas and the senile lady, the sole survivor from the wedding. Guzman says the scientists are hiding something, why is there so much security?
Nick repairs the camera and starts watching the video that Angela brought in her camera. He watches on the security cameras and tells Guzman that there are a bunch of cages in the lab, along with even more security. Meanwhile, the ship heads into a storm.
Angela comes up to the bridge and is shocked to hear they have her camera. Nick says that in about an hour, he’ll have the whole tape decoded and readable.
Meanwhile, down in the lab, someone reports “The host is gone!” Ricarte orders them to lock everything down and says someone let it out. At the same time, in the galley, a rabid-looking monkey attacks the cook. The monkey dies, but the cook is bitten.
The old woman asks Lucas to talk to the cook; she’d like something special because she’s having trouble eating. The cook attacks Lucas, clearly infected. Up on the bridge, Goro starts feeling ill; he ate what the cook was making. Dr. Ricante says they have an antiviral that he wants to test on the cook.
Guzman Tases the cook as Ricante injects him with the cure. Somehow, it only makes the virus stronger. Nick watches the outbreak spreading on the monitor. Lucas admits that he brought a blood sample from someone in the building, and that’s what they infected the monkey with.
The captain and Nick lock themselves into the bridge while the engineer locks up the engine room. Guzman, Lucas, Angela, and the old woman try to make it to the bridge and end up fighting zombies. The engineer beats a zombie to death, but there’s damage to the ship.
Guzman gets to the bridge and tells the captain to head home, but the engines are broken, so he can’t. He asks if Nick can hack into the scientists’ computers. In the lab, Ricante says they need the original strain in order to have any hope of making a cure. He’s about to set a timer for the self-destruct bomb when they start looking at the apartment footage. They read about the Medeiras girl who started all this and about her possession. They all see the original host infecting Angela with a big parasite/worm. That’s the source of the virus!
Ricante comes to the bridge with armed men; he wants Angela, who doesn’t know what she’s got inside her. They explain the situation to Guzman, who tells them to take Angela. Someone opens the bathroom door and Goro comes out, infected, and attacks the soldiers. Angela uses the opportunity to escape. The captain runs off as well.
Angela grabs an ax and starts smashing the video cameras so Ricante can’t find her. Nick callsher on the radio and says he’ll help her. Then she releases the cook from the freezer, and he wonders which side she’s on.
Lucas and Guzman arm themselves with fishing tools. Angela grabs Ricante and says he’s wrong about her; she’s not infected. She bites him to prove it. He then tests his own blood and it’s clean– neither he nor Angela are infected. Ricarte says the parasite left Angela when it found a better host.
As Angla accuses Guzman of being the host, Ricarte sets the 20-minute self-destruct. Guzman dumps Angela into a hold and then runs off. Lucas and Nick head for the engine room to start the backup engine and fight zombies along the way– with a motorboat engine.
Dr. Ricarte runs into Nick; he’s got an inflatable life raft to get out before the ship explodes. Nick knocks out the doctor and then uses the boat motor to chew up the monkeys who have been harassing Angela. Except Guzman whacks Nick from behind and starts to put the parasite back into her. Nick sheets him before the parasite can make the whole transfer.
Zombies chase Angela and Nick across the deck. They jump overboard and inflate the raft. Nick somehow brought the motor with him, and they drive away from the big ship just as it explodes and sinks. We see the parasite in the water, intact and still alive, go into a fish…
We cut to Nick and Angela in the back of a car. The driver looks back and says, “Some party, eh?”
Brian’s Commentary
Although the third movie didn’t feel like it was connected to the first two, this one included it in the plot, so that makes it a bit more official. This one doesn’t bother with the whole “Found footage” thinking like the previous ones did, this is just a regular action movie.
It’s a step down from the other three, but it’s not awful. It’s not bad enough to account for it being the end of the series.
Kevin’s Commentary
I liked it quite a bit. I appreciate that they kept the feeling of isolation and being trapped by moving it to a ship, but it lost something knowing more about what’s going on and why. It’s less scare and tension and more action – and not the found footage method – so it’s different from the first two. It was still pretty good, not as good as the first three.
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