A Cure for Wellness (2017) Review

Directed by: Gore Verbinski

Written by: Justin Haythe

Starring: Dane DeHaan, Jason Isaac, Mia Goth

Ed Morris works late into the night. He opens an envelope with a distinctive seal on it. He then falls over with an apparent heart attack. As the camera pulls back, we see a picture on the wall that he’s “Salesman of the year.”

Lockhart has just received a big promotion. One of the partners of the firm, Pembrooke, has apparently gone insane and gone to some sanitarium in Switzerland. The board wants Lockhart to go and bring him back to take the fall for some “accounting irregularities.”

He goes there, and of course its an ancient-looking castle on a mountaintop. It’s a busy, crowded place, with patients everywhere. The doctor explains that the sanitarium is built over a unique aquifer that offers rejuvenating abilities. The doctor offers him a glass of the water. He then goes back down the mountain, planning to come back for Pembrooke later.

There is a car accident, and he’s brought back to the sanitarium for medical care. He meets the man who runs the place. He tells Lockhart to drink plenty of water. As he drinks, he notices a tiny insect or worm inside the glass.

It’s a beautiful place to visit, but… Don’t drink the water. There’s more than one secret at this sanitarium.

I liked it, but it was a little slow in parts. There are quite a few things that don’t make sense here, but it’s a fun movie to watch without thinking too hard about it afterwards.

7/10 Beautiful to look at, a little thin on logic in places.