Short Film: Dante: A Replication (2020) Review

Written, Directed and Produced by Diego Andaluz
Starring: Dante Andaluz
Run Time: 2:39


A kid plays on his phone, he’s Dante, but he’s also calling Dante. There’s a long sound of a dial tone, something you don’t even hear on the type of iPhone displayed in the film. He gets up and walks through the house which literally takes half the film to get to the living room. He sees himself standing there, then sees himself dead on the floor. He runs through the backyard. Suddenly his dead body is gone, but then someone kills home and the while loop starts again.


This is mighty impressive for one person, but it’s more of a school project than a serious for-competition-style short film. It’s alright, but nothing really happens. There’s a kid stuck in some kind of time paradox.

I’d claim that by saying “don’t waste your time,” that I would have saved you two whole minutes, but it probably took you longer than that to ready this review, so there’s that…