Short Film: Dysmorphia (2024)

What Happens

Isabella records a YouTube video where she talks about her miraculous cancer recovery. We see that she has many donors to pay for her treatment. She thanks them profusely and then logs off. Afterward, she removes her scarf and lets down her long, perfectly healthy hair; she’s faking cancer for the donations. 

In reality, she plans to use the money from her donors to pay for various plastic surgeries. Then she starts hearing things, and we see some oddness in the mirrors. 

What happens when you lie on the Internet? Bad things. 


Who says motherly advice has to be good advice? The bit with the “marker” at the end is really good. 

It looks good, is well-paced, and has a fun concept. We’ve seen these kind of creature effects before, but it’s really effective here. 

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