The Stylist (2020)

  • Director: Jill Gevargizian
  • Writers: Jill Gevargizian, Jill Gevargizian
  • Stars: Najarra Townsend, Brea Grant, Davis DeRock
  • Run Time: 1 Hour, 45 minutes


A snobby woman goes to the hair stylist, and she isn’t particularly nice. Claire, the stylist, drugs her, then cuts off her scalp as credits roll. She puts the scalp on a wig stand in her dressing room; she has many.

Olivia texts her, saying she has a hair emergency that only Claire can handle. Olivia invites Claire over to her house for dinner to see her in her wedding dress. She has a good time, goes out to her car, and has some kind of breakdown.

On the way home, she stops off at the coffee shop. She drugs the barista’s own coffee. The barista passes out on the street, and Claire drags the body behind the counter to steal a new wig. The barista wakes up halfway through, and Claire ends up stabbing her over and over to finish the job. She cuts up the body and puts the pieces in the garbage.

The brother-in-law of the pre-credit sequence victim comes into the salon looking for his missing relative.

Meanwhile, Olivia invites Claire to a party. Claire doesn’t feel worthy to be in Olivia’s social group, so she’s very insecure; she tries on all her dresses to find just the right one. Olivia introduces Claire to all her friends.

Claire overhears a few of the friends trash-talking her in the restroom. Claire follows one friend home, but someone else is there too, so there’s no opportunity for mayhem. She waits for them to go to sleep, and then breaks in. She notices the drugs in the woman’s medicine cabinet.

Several days pass, and Claire gets more and more reliant on Olivia’s texts, which get fewer and farther between. Olivia wants to start distancing herself from Claire because she’s picked up on the fact that Claire is a little stalkery.

Claire breaks into Olivia’s house and looks at all the wedding party favors. She goes through Olivia’s closet and even tries on her dresses and vibrator— until Olivia and Charlie return home. Then she goes home and wears a blonde “wig” that resembles Olivia’s hair.

She goes to someone’s house and kills her. She cuts her scalp and then eats all her pizza while wearing her hair and watching television.

It’s finally time for Olivia’s wedding. Claire gets all fancied up and goes to the wedding. Olivia needs some last-minute work done on her hair, and Claire gets to work. Claire does her very best. Finally, Claire decides to tell Olivia how she feels about her…

Meanwhile, the wedding begins and the procession starts. The bride comes out with the full veil down. Ew! It’s Claire, wearing Olivia’s scalp. She can finally be happy!


It’s got a colorful, big-budget look, but the story is really slow-paced, stepping over the line into boring territory. Claire is creepy, but we don’t really know why she’s doing any of this.

The murders here are treated subordinately to the horror of having someone (gasp) go through your closet! As a guy, all the freaking out over weddings and hairstyles just doesn’t make any sense to me. How is any of this stuff actually important? How is any of this stuff worth killing for — or even caring about?

If you’re a hair stylist or a Bridezilla, this film may be for you. Anyone else should probably avoid it.

(And here Kevin – who is proofing Brian’s summary and commentary – feels the need to jump in. I thought it was a good, creepy, slow burn. Something about Najarra Townsend’s performance as Claire made me want to sympathize with her. An admirable feat considering the awful deeds she kept doing. I give this one a thumbs up and a recommendation to see it.)