The Relic (2020)

  • Director: J.M. Logan
  • Writer: J.M. Logan
  • Stars: Stephanie Einstein, Johnny Wactor, Jesse Einstein
  • Run Time: 15 Minutes


In Nepal, on Day 27 of the expedition, they bring an injured man into the cabin. They don’t understand his language. Kayla’s missing and should have been home hours ago. The man is covered in blood, but doesn’t seem to have a wound.

Kayla comes to the door, and she’s wounded and covered in blood as well. Jacob keeps screaming that it’s the monster, but Marcus says that’s just a story. Kayla is screaming for the relic they found.

She says the injured man is the one who hurt her. “You have to kill him!” She shouts. Jacob kills the man. The dead man is full of slime— he’s definitely not human. At least not any more.

Kayla takes the relic, and something epically strange happens.


The moral of the story seems to be “Don’t go to Nepal. Ever.”

Lots of hectic stuff happens all at once, and there’s lots of screaming and people talking over each other. When the creature finally, shows its, err, face, it’s really, really good. And really bad news for the world.