Saw 4 (2007) Review

Director: Darren Lynn Bousman
Starring: Tobin Bell, Scott Patterson, Louis Ferreira

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Kevin’s Rating: 6/10

Saw 4 – 2007

Same director this time around, but different writers and I think they lost their way a little bit. Still a good movie. Not as good as the first three.

Jigsaw is dead. Which isn’t really much of a spoiler since his head is sitting on an autopsy scale on the artwork of the DVD. What’s impressive is how little that matters to his plans. The game is still in motion, and that part of the movie was fascinating. There’s a little bit too much scavenger hunt though. A little bit too much in the origin story flashbacks.

The traps are still impressive and cringe-worthy, especially one triggered near the end of the film. Plenty of gore and blood. Viewing tip: you might not want to be eating at the beginning of the movie. Overall a thumbs up, but I hope they don’t lose their way further in the fifth movie and beyond.